CSAM Supports Conference on Reduction of Air Pollution through Avoidance of Burning in Agriculture in Thailand


On 1 October 2024, CSAM joined the ‘Friends of Thai Agriculture’ in organizing a conference on "Reduction of Air Pollution through Avoidance of Burning in Agriculture" in Bangkok.

The Friends of Thai Agriculture is a coalition comprising agricultural counsellors from several embassies, including Brazil, Denmark, the EU Delegation, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States of America, as well as DLG - the German Agricultural Society, while the conference was convened also in cooperation with other organizations such as GIZ, Winrock International, and the German-Thai Agricultural Cooperation (GETHAC) Project.

The event was opened by Mr Prayoon Insikul, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand, who emphasized the key policy of Thailand to reduce the burning in agricultural activities by closely working with a ‘young smart farmer’ network under the ‘3R strategy’, where the 3Rs stand for Re-habit, Replace with High Value Crops, and Replace with Alternative Crops.

During the conference, keynote and panel sessions, as well as breakout sessions dedicated to rice, maize and sugarcane (the three major crops affected by residue burning), gave local and international experts a platform to present solutions to the issue. CSAM introduced its regional initiative on integrated straw management which has already opened pilot sites for demonstration of mechanization solutions to reduce straw burning in Cambodia, China, Indonesia and Nepal. The initiative has been recognized as a ‘best practice in South-South cooperation’ by UNOSCC and has the potential to further expand with new pilot sites in additional countries, including Thailand.

The conference gathered over 200 experts, policymakers, and practitioners focused on developing sustainable solutions to the challenges of agricultural burning, which significantly contributes to air pollution and impacts both the environment and public health. The event offered a platform to exchange ideas, share research, and explore strategies for reducing agricultural burning, while promoting sustainable agricultural practices across Thailand and the region.